Women's Issues 

Women's Lives Matter

226 posts 38 members


I always thought that “woman pulls something out of her cleavage” was really just sort of a cliche historically

But nope

I’m reading this incredibly niche book about the history of pockets, and there is a picture of a pair of stays from the 18th century that someone sewed a giant pocket inside of

It was apparently a big thing for women who wanted to keep their money safe or to steal it from other people and hide it quickly


Reposted from merelygifted

donate to an abortion fund rn <3


a list of state-specific funds

national network of abortion funds

indigenous women rising; abortion fund

national abortion federation 

women’s reproductive rights assistance project 


international planned parenthood federation

partners for reproductive justice (africa, asia, the americas)

fondo de aborto para la justicia social (mexico)

mabia (ghana)

bangladesh women’s health coalition

abortion without borders (poland, uk, the netherlands, germany)

women help women (based in the netherlands, buts works internationally in europe)

abortion dream team (poland)

Reposted from merelygifted


This BS fills me with a white hot fury I have rarely experienced. I hate to think what I’d feel were I still of breeding age.

I had to run gauntlets of evil protestors before an abortion, when I went back for the re-check, and whenever I went to that clinic for a yearly exam.

My period was late when I lived near LA, and I visited a clinic for a pregnancy test. I was told the result was negative, but just knew that was untrue. I said so during a ladies’ room discussion w/other “patients.” They were freaked - I mean, can U imagine a clinic’s deliberately lying about such a thing? I pointed out there are plenty of “problem pregnancy” centers, run by religious freaks who try their ahem damnedest to browbeat women into keeping their unwanted pregnancies.

When I went to Planned Parenthood for the termination (I just adore being right so often), nurses there told me that awful clinic did indeed lie to women, in the hopes they’d run out of time to abort! Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted

Attempt to close We Will Stop Femicide on moral grounds criticised as a ‘grotesque’ and divisive step as election looms

Turkish public prosecutors have sparked outrage among feminists by demanding the closure of the country’s largest women’s rights group accusing it of being “against morality”.

We Will Stop Femicide (WWSF) has been issued with a letter demanding the group is dissolved on public security grounds and organisers now face a lengthy court battle to stay open. The prosecutors claim the group broke the law and acted with immorality by “disintegrating the family structure by ignoring the concept of the family under the guise of defending women’s rights”. Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted

Government will be forced to abandon its plan to end a two-year trial of the scheme in August

...  The vote will mean the landmark Abortion Act 1967 is amended and brings England into line with Wales, which recently decided to make the scheme permanent. Scotland is also planning to do the same as part of the new women’s health strategy of the Scottish nationalist administration at Holyrood.

“This was a vote for evidence over ideology, a vote for reproductive rights and a vote for gender equality,” said Louise McCudden, the UK advocacy and public affairs adviser at MSI Reproductive Choices, a global provider of termination support, including 60,000 a year in England.

“Making this safe and popular service a permanent option will particularly benefit those who struggle to attend face-to-face appointments, including those in abusive relationships, those with caring responsibilities, and those without transport. Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted

Zero Mercury Working Group tested 271 products from 15 countries and found nearly half to be contaminated at levels above 1ppm

Mercury contamination is widespread among skin lightening and anti-ageing creams sold on online platforms like eBay, Alibaba and Amazon, a new analysis of hundreds of products has found.

The Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) tested 271 products bought in 15 countries over a 13-month period and found nearly half to be contaminated with the dangerous heavy metal at levels above 1 part per million (ppm), the legal limit in the US. The EU, meanwhile, doesn’t allow any mercury in cosmetics.  ...

...  Mercury is used as a skin whitening agent because it blocks production of melanin, which gives color to skin, and it can be used to remove spots, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles. Some analysts expect skin lightening product sales to reach nearly $12bn globally by 2026, ZMWG said.  ... Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted

Are the days of high-heels at work finally over? | Tayo Bero


A new study shows that women wearing high heels are taken less seriously – but if you don’t wear them, you’re ‘unprofessional’. Enough of this sexist nonsense

Women have long bemoaned the unfair and sexist norms that require many of us to wear heels at the office – from the physical discomfort of having to work in stilettos for hours, to the misogynistic tropes that get projected on to women who wear high heels, especially in male-dominated spaces.

Finally, though, there’s new research to validate those experiences. To find out how heels really affect women’s careers, University of North Carolina professor Sreedhari Desai and her team conducted a series of studies looking at how people evaluated women in a variety of work settings. These scenarios included leading a class, giving a presentation, interviewing for a job, and taking part in a negotiation, with the only variable being whether the woman was wearing high heels or flats. Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted


if you're from Ukraine, you have a uterus and don't want to be pregnant:

1. First of all AVOID AT ANY COST people and sites that have the name of "Ordo Iuris" or "pro-prawo do życia" (translate: pro-life). If you see a logo of fetus inside a heart, run.

Pro-prawo do życia foundation informed that one woman from Ukraine contacted them, asking for abortion. She barely spoke polish, which they admitted without any shame, that's why she thought that if they talk about abortion, they can provide it. They informed that they "explained children are not killed in Poland" and that now she's "in a safe place where no harm can come to her and her baby". I don't have words for how fucking inhuman it is to manipulate traumatized woman into carrying pregnancy she's not ready for since she's a refugee with no finances. Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted