Women's Issues 

Women's Lives Matter

226 posts 38 members


every woman on tumblr should have this on their dash


And every man


Look how nobody’s yelling or arguing or making things into a competition. Look how this is to straight up educate people through a different perspective. Look how effective that makes the message.


The last one really hit me. I never really thought about something like that could actually impact a woman’s life. Damn…


Every person.


The last one made me cry a bit


misogyny be like

Poland abortion ruling: Police use pepper spray against protesters - BBC News

Poland abortion ruling: Police use pepper spray against protesters - BBC News

... The legal challenge against the 1993 law allowing abortion in cases of severe foetal disabilities was launched by MPs from the nationalist Law and Justice party last year.  A majority of the court's judges were nominated by the same party.

Ahead of the ruling, Polish sexual and reproductive health and rights activist Antonina Lewandowska told the BBC that the defence of the 1993 law was based on UN rules outlawing torture.

"It's inhuman, it's despicable honestly to make anyone carry a pregnancy to term, especially if the foetus is malformed, and 98% of legal abortions carried out in Poland are due to foetal malformations," she said.

Reposted from merelygifted