Women's Issues 

Women's Lives Matter

226 posts 38 members

27 Nov 2020

Mass protests in Poland over the tightening of an already restrictive abortion law are showing no signs of easing.

Since October 22, hundreds of thousands of people have rallied across the country over the Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling, and their grievances are now morphing into a broader rejection of the country’s governing conservative party.

In this episode of UpFront, we debate the abortion ban and the protests it has triggered with Poland’s deputy foreign minister, Paweł Jabłoński and Karolina Wigura, political editor of the Polish weekly Kultura Liberalna.

And in a Special Interview, we discuss climate justice and Indigenous rights with activist and economist Winona LaDuke. Read More »

Police in Poland are using increasingly violent tactics against peaceful demonstrators at women-led protests over abortion rights, according to activists.

Authorities have thrown protesters on the ground, hit them with telescopic batons, and used kettling — a tactic that involves employing blockades to contain a crowd within a limited area — a human rights lawyer who has been representing the demonstrators told Euronews.

Witnesses said plainclothes officers, not all of whom were donning armbands identifying them as police, beat demonstrators with batons last Wednesday night. Authorities also reportedly used tear gas against protesters.

At least 60 protesters, including one as young as 17, have been detained in recent weeks, according to human rights lawyer Eliza Rutynowska. ... Read More »

November 23, 2020

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Police detained several people and charged a female photojournalist with assaulting a police officer as women-led protests over abortion rights flared up again on Monday in Poland.

Soon after the protest in Warsaw began, police arrived and forcibly removed people, including photojournalist Agata Grzybowska.

It was the first case of a reporter being detained during the month of protests that have rocked Poland after a high court ruled in favor of a near-total abortion ban.

Officers dragged Grzybowska away as bystanders called on them to stop, saying that she was a journalist. A large group then gathered outside the police station in central Warsaw where she was taken, rallying on her behalf as they waited hours for her release. Read More »

20 November 2020, 14:11 UTC

The Polish authorities are using a raft of heavy-handed measures to crack down on peaceful protests against a constitutional ruling which severely restricts access to abortion in Poland. Amnesty International has documented the authorities’ excessive use of force including pepper spray, the criminalization of peaceful protesters, and incitement of violence against protesters by public officials.

In a sign of escalation, on Wednesday, [18 Nov] while Women’s Strike protesters peacefully gathered in front of the public TV building in Warsaw, the police ‘kettled’ them, together with the journalists covering the event, and used pepper spray.

Facing a near total ban on abortion, people in Poland have mobilized impressively. However, not content with violating their reproductive rights, authorities have used this opportunity to also crack down on their right to peacefully protest. -- Nils Muižnieks, Europe Director at Amnesty International Read More »

Polish women reject the Catholic Church’s hold on their country

… Challenging the church’s hold on Poland

The protesters aren’t just calling for the expansion of women’s as well as LGBTQ rights. They’re also demanding a secular state in a direct challenge to the power the church has had over Poland since it transitioned to democracy in 1989.

The church’s teachings have had an impact on beliefs about conception, contraception and abortion that have made their way into Polish law, as have Catholic views on in vitro fertilization and euthanasia. Its doctrines also influence Polish understanding of family and the rights of sexual minorities as well as access to divorce.

Catholic religious instruction is provided in public schools and funded by the state. The church also influences public conversations and attitudes by operating 120 publishing houses that publish 300 newspapers and other periodicals, and by running the densest radio network in Europe. Read More »


one of the most important things ive learned from upper level biology education so far is that dna isnt the god-like all-powerful beacon of similarity between all living beings on the face of the earth as high school science textbooks will lead u to believe but actually is, in fact, the molecular equivalent of a smoldering dumpster fire that’s in a constant state of chaos and cellular scandal like some highlights: 

-the parts of dna that just casually detach on a physical level from the main strand, do some sick skateboard tricks in the cytoplasm, and land somewhere else with 43552342 copies

-the parts that would do A Thing if they wern’t physically spooled up so tightly that the Make Thing Happen machinery couldnt get to them

-the dna thats in ur mitochondria bc the mitochondria used to be a bacteria that our bigger, buffer cellular ancestors just vored in the primordial ooze  Read More »

Reposted from merelygifted